SPSP (Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention)
Poster session
The trade-offs of obscuring your digital footprints
Denver, USA
EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning
Invited talk
K-anonymous counterfactual explanations
EWAF: European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness
Poster session
Reranking individuals
Mainz, Germany
DigiTax Conference
Panel discussion
Introduction to Explainable AI
Antwerp, Belgium
PhD Seminar, Oxford Internet Institute
Responsible AI: How can Explainable AI help address ethical issues?
Oxford, United Kingdom
Flanders AI Research Day
Invited talk
Explainability methods to measure discrimination in machine learning models
Mechelen, Belgium
BIAS workshop at ECML: Third Workshop on Bias and Fairness in AI
Explainability methods to measure discrimination in machine learning models
Turin, Italy
XKDD workshop at ECML: International Workshop on Explainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining
Manipulation Risks in Explainable AI: The Implications of the Disagreement Problem
Turin, Italy
ECDA: European Conference on Data Analysis
The trade-offs of obscuring your digital footprints
Antwerp, Belgium
EWAF: European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness
Explainability methods to measure discrimination in machine learning models
Winterthur, Switzerland
ORBEL: 36th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society
The trade-offs of obscuring your digital footprints
Liege, Belgium
Doctoral Day, University of Antwerp
How counterfactual explanations can be used to detect bias in a machine learning model
Antwerp, Belgium
EURO: 32th European Conference on Operational Research
How counterfactual explanations can be used to detect bias in a machine learning model
Espoo, Finland
Press and Blogposts
The Conversation
Opening the black box: how ‘Explainable AI’ can help us understand how
algorithms work
Belgisch Financiaal Forum
Responsible AI in Finance
Harvard Business Review
AI can be both accurate and transparent (featured research)